- The Executive Council has 12 members. 现时,行政会议有成员12名。
- Expenditure of public funds for policies decided by the Executive Council is subject to such funds being approved by the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council. 如行政会议决定的政策涉及公共开支,就必须获得立法会的财务委员会批准拨款,才可以实行。
- Members of the Committee, who are appointed by the Chief Executive, include Members of the Executive Council and the Legislative Council and prominent members of the community. 委员会成员由行政长官委任,其中包括行政会议和立法会成员及社会贤达。
- No functionary of a state organ may be a member of the executive council, board of directors or joint managerial committee of a Chinese-foreign cooperative education institution. 国家机关工作人员不得担任中外合作办学机构的理事会、董事会或者联合管理委员会的成员。
- He is assisted by the Executive Council in policy-making. 行政长官由行政会议协助决策。
- He Zhenliang was elected as international Olyimpics committee executive council commissioner in 1985 and fianlly as internaional Olyimpics committee cochairman. 1981年何振梁当选为国际奥委会委员,1985年当选为国际奥委会执行委员会委员,1989年最终当选为国际奥委会副主席。
- During the year,the Executive Council held a total of 35 meetings. 年内,行政会议共举行了35次会议。
- He is assisted by the Executive Council in policy- making. 行政长官由行政会议协助决策。
- Five members of the Executive Council shall constitute a quorum. 执行委员会法定成员为五人。
- Item Ten Chairman, the member as of right, heads Executive Council. 执行委员会设会长一名,为本单位的法定代表。
- They would all be appointed to the Executive Council. 他们全部获委任为行政会议成员。
- During the year, the Executive Council held a total of 35 meetings. 年内,行政会议共举行了35次会议。
- The environmental impact assessment process has now entered the highest level of decision making in the Executive Council and the Public Works Sub-committee(PWSC) of the Legislative Council's Finance Committee. 环评程序现已纳入行政会议及立法会财务委员会辖下工务小组委员会的最高决策范围。
- This decision is supported by my colleagues as well as the Executive Council. 我们这个决定,得到了我的同事和行政会议的支持。
- In the overall administrative reform, Executive Council will also be changed. 在整个政制改革当中,行政会议成员亦大换班。
- The Executive Council advises the Chief Executive on all important policies. 行政会议就所有重要决策,向行政长官提供意见。
- The meeting of the Executive Council shall be held at least once each month. 行政会的会议每月至少举行一次。
- The Executive Council has 13 members (14 members before July 1, 1999). 行政会议有成员13名(一九九九年七月一日前有14名)。
- The Chief Executive must consult the Executive Council before dissolving the Legislative Council. 行政长官在解散立法会前,须征询行政会议的意见。
- All Principal Officials under the Accountability System will be appointed to the Executive Council. 所有纳入问责制的主要官员都会获委任为行政会议成员。